MOSVIEW is a graphical tool for transistor-level design of analog MOS circuits that allows users to visualize and explore the design space in order to size and bias the transistor for a given set of specifications and technological parameters.

The current version of MOSVIEW accepts four usual specifications for the problem of analog transistor sizing. In all cases the design space is represented using the normalized channel length as the abscissa and the normalized intrinsic gain as the ordinate. In more traditional design approaches, the design space is not fully explored because the channel length and the inversion level are often fixed (e. g.: channel length L=2 or 3 Lmin, gate voltage overdrive VGS - VTH=200mV).

The following technological parameters should be given:

  • Lmin: minimum channel length [mm]
  • C'ox: oxide capacitance per unit area [fF/mm2]
  • n: slope factor
  • Vt: threshold voltage [V]
  • m0: carrier mobility [cm2/Vs]
  • VE: the Early voltage per unit length [V/mm]
  • Wmin: minimum channel width [µm]
  • Not: Number of treps [cm-2]
  • AVt: mismatch process parameter of the Vt [mV.µm]
  • Aß: mismatch process parameter of the ß [%.µm]

            ß – gain factor

Four cases of transistor sizing and bias are available to the user according to the specs, namely:

  • Amplifier I: The project specifications are: a fixed transconductance (gm), a range of intrinsic cutoff frequencies (fT(min), fT(max)), minimum value for the voltage gain (AVmin) and maximum gate voltage standard deviation (SDvg(max));
  • Amplifier II: The project specifications are: a fixed transconductance (gm), a range of frequencies (fT(min), fT(max)), minimum value for the drain current (ID(min)) and maximum gate voltage standard deviation (SDvg(max));
  • Transconductor: The project specifications are: a fixed transconductance (gm), a minimum value for the cutoff frequency (Ft(min)), range of inversion levels (if(min), if(max)) and maximum gate voltage standard deviation (SDvg(max));
  • Current Mirror: The project specifications are: drain current (ID), minimum cutoff frequency (fT(min)), maximum value for the inversion level (if(max)) and maximum gate voltage standard deviation (SDvg(max));





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