Total Charges
The ACM model has compact expressions for total charges valid in all
regions. The expressions for total charges of the ACM model are shown in the Table I.
Table I. Total Charges

Fig. 1 shows the total charges including both velocity saturation and short-
channel effects simulated using the ACM model implemented in Eldo simulator.

Fig. 1 . Total charges (QG, QB, QD, QS) in terms of gate voltage for
VDS = 3V and VFB=-1V.
Fig. 2 presents five capacitives coefficients using the ACM model in Eldo. The solid line is obtained through total charge derivative and the dashed represents the capacitive coefficients using the ACM expressions for capacitances (Table II).

Fig. 2. Five normalized capacitances simulated using the ACM model for VDS=3V and VFB=-1V. Solid line represents the capacitive coefficients calculated via total charge derivative and dashed line represents the capacitives coefficients using the ACM expressions.
Table II - Capacitive Coefficients

As is presented in Fig.3, the usual approach using in ACM model considering Cgb=Cbg is a good approximation,
specially because difference occurs in the region where these capacitive coefficients are small.

Fig. 3. Numerical comparison between Cgb and Cbg. |